
by Tara on February 1, 2011


“Being kind is hardly ever the wrong thing to do.”                                                                       -unknown

A  little bit of kindness goes a long way.  Yes, I am talking about extending kindness out to others, to the animals and to the earth. But this also includes turning that kindness inward towards yourself. I find a lot of times it is easier to be kind to other people then it is to be kind to ourselves.  Practicing yoga and meditation is a kind thing to do for ourselves.  Just to sit, breath consciously  and get centered is very helpful.  Our lives move at such a fast pace most of the time.  When we are moving so fast through the days, it is hard to recognize what is truly happening within…in our physical bodies, in our minds and emotions.  Were you ever moving through the day from work to one errand, to the next and finally at the end of the day you get home and sit or lay down and think wow, I am exhausted or my body is achy or I don’t feel so well.  When all day you were running around and didn’t even notice. It was when you sat still for a moment you recognized  how you felt.

When we practice yoga or meditation and re-center ourselves, we pay attention to what is happening inside of us. When we are aware of that, we can take action to create balance for ourselves on many levels. When we listen to and honor our own needs, we can then give ourselves what we need to feel fulfilled. It is important to take care of ourselves, to nurture ourselves and even pamper ourselves. It is not selfish. It is kind.

The healthier and more fulfilled you feel, the more you have to give out to others.  Be kind to yourself. :-)

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Marni Leigh Schwartz February 2, 2011 at 8:09 am

Thank you so much for posting this, Tara. So true. Extending kindness to oneself is like watering our own tree, with our own branches, always able to extend when we nourish our roots, by going inward, and centering ourselves. It is a beautiful inward flow, nurturing, blessing, and watering our love, we ourselves, and our heart. One love, one truth, one heart.

Peace, Joy, and Happiness,


chris February 2, 2011 at 4:01 pm


Great to hear your thought offerings once again.

As always, this is a very helpful and comforting one.


Troy London May 14, 2011 at 9:15 am

Learning to find inner peace and happiness requires self love, reaching for it.

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